Battle Tanks 2 Game Art

Environmental asset lineup.

Environmental asset lineup.

Tank lineup. There are 5 tank turrets and bases that can be mixed and matched. Various different skins can be applied to each. (Bonus little sentry turrets and mines!)

Tank lineup. There are 5 tank turrets and bases that can be mixed and matched. Various different skins can be applied to each. (Bonus little sentry turrets and mines!)

Main ground texture and various decals I created for the levels. Each was used around the levels to add some variation.

Main ground texture and various decals I created for the levels. Each was used around the levels to add some variation.

Plant texture examples. These were created in photoshop.

Plant texture examples. These were created in photoshop.

Tank and building texture examples. Each were textured in Substance 3D Painter for Unity.

Tank and building texture examples. Each were textured in Substance 3D Painter for Unity.

Level design. On the left is the big free-for-all level, and right is the arena level.

Level design. On the left is the big free-for-all level, and right is the arena level.

Battle Tanks 2 Game Art

Recently I was able to work as the artist on the game Battle Tanks 2 for Carbon. BETA soon to be released. I was in charge of all art aspects from ideation through to final product. It was a great challenge!

I had to design and create various tank models, consumables for the tanks, and environmental assets both organic and man-made. These were kept quite low-poly with detail baked into textures.

I also had to work on the level design and putting all the visuals together which included setting up lighting in Unity.

It was great to be able to work on this project from start to finish. I encourage you to check the game out once it is released! I will be posting a link here.