Stylised Wolf

Renders created in Blender using my final retopologised and rigged model.

Renders created in Blender using my final retopologised and rigged model.

Topology of the wolf

Topology of the wolf

Some rig and skeleton renders.

Some rig and skeleton renders.

UV and texture maps. Exported for Unity URP. Left to right: Albedo, emission, normal, metallic smoothness.

UV and texture maps. Exported for Unity URP. Left to right: Albedo, emission, normal, metallic smoothness.

Little demo of the blendshapes I created.

Demo video showing most of the rig controllers. Had a blast creating this rig!

Zbrush sculpted model. Before bringing into Blender to create teeth, tongue and claws, and fix up the eyes.

Zbrush sculpted model. Before bringing into Blender to create teeth, tongue and claws, and fix up the eyes.

My initial character design I based him on. We were given a 3 word prompt to create a character from, the highlighted words are the prompts. I decided to go a different direction from it, focus on the wolf form and push the stylisation.

My initial character design I based him on. We were given a 3 word prompt to create a character from, the highlighted words are the prompts. I decided to go a different direction from it, focus on the wolf form and push the stylisation.

Stylised Wolf

Meet Finnegan! He is a fun side project I have been working on for a while now. Finally think I am at a point to share! Modelled this character initially based on a character I designed for an illustration class.

He was sculpted in Zbrush, then brought into Blender for some touch-ups and more modelled elements (such as the teeth, tongue, and claws). Then he was retopologised in Blender, textured in Substance Painter, and brought back to Blender for rigging. Had an awesome time following the tutorial series of Pierrick Picaut for the rigging portion:

My goal was to create a game ready character to bring into Unity and make a little controllable character which is next up!

I also used him as an exploration into more of Blender as I have been using it for work this year. I can now confidently say I am comfortable in both Blender and Maya!